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The XauSky View

Writer's pictureXauskya Emmanuel

Ready or not...#Adulting through Entrepreneurship!

Under normal circumstances, one’s senior year of college should be filled with excitement for

the future, the nostalgia of years past, and plans of using one’s degree towards building a

successful career. As I start my senior year in the midst of a global pandemic, a clear path

forward is fogged with the low visibility of uncertainty. The current, staggering job loss,

unemployment, social, and racial divide in America today makes the prospect of venturing out at the end of this year, and #adulting seem a bit scary.

Contrary to the news reports about 20-somethings having large gatherings and partying during the summer, I was stuck at home with my Mom. Newsflash! Not much partying happening there. But, what the quarantine did, is created time and space for my Mom, and I have vulnerable conversations. We had conversations about our past, present, and future. We talked about unspoken desires, our untapped creativity, whispers of our fears, and the things that scared and excited us. It got me thinking about the financial, mental, emotional, physical, and other investments that I have made to pursue my education. I thought about whether it will ‘pay off’ in these times of high unemployment and uncertainty. Honestly, like many other young adults, I don’t know. Will I be able to land a job when I graduate? How can I best use my skills and talents to serve others? What will my Plan B be? Could I…? Would I…? What should I…? The questions swirled around my head, and then this thought-provoking question emerged, “What can I do to create a clearer path for my future?”

While I admittedly spent many of my summer hours on Tic Tok and captaining the Gold Rush

dance, I also pursued my Virtual Assistant certification with the International Association

Professional Careers Colleges. As a member of a family with an entrepreneurial spirit, I have

had a front-row seat to the rewards and challenges of starting and running a business.  I

understand that administrative tasks can take valuable time away from small business owners, and with the right support, they can focus on building a solid foundation for growth. As a Criminal Justice major and Biology minor (Bachelor of Science), I can apply my keen interest in the investigation, research assistance, and identifying emerging patterns to help others analyze data and make informed business decisions.  My path became clearer, and The XauSky Group was born.

I am seizing this opportunity to BE the Owner of My Destiny. I’m taking control of writing my

story, designing future and serving others. After all, isn’t that part of being an adult? So, ready or not…I am #Adulting.

This blog was originally published August 2020 on

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