What We Do
Whether it is consulting, training, and/or our experiential experiences, we help you and your business, plan purposefully, implement intentionally, live creatively, and work passionately. It's our passion that led us here...and we look forward to helping you find your passion at work and in life. 
At the XauSky Group, we understand that our clients have varied levels of support as it relates to budget, timeframe, organizational competencies, immediate interventions, or more expansive partnerships.
Here’s how we can help:
The Present Check-In: Audit
Level set the current state and consider viable alternatives to your organizational, marketing and branding strategies. The audit/assessments conducted involve a review of existing assets to provide a fresh perspective on how best to align the internal and external stakeholder experiences.
Future Focus: Strategy Development & Counsel
Strategic counsel services with The XauSky Group includes an assessment of the specialty areas along with recommendations. Based on that assessment, the team works with the Client to develop a tailored strategy to align with the organization’s future, desired direction.
Bridging Present & Future: Activation & Implementation Coaching
Ready to bridge your present check-in with your future focus? The intent is to help our clients, that have completed the prior two (2) phases, activate and prepare to ‘fly solo’ so they are not locked into long-term consulting contracts. The XauSky Group offers an accountability and coaching plan that supports the establishment and implementation of the client’s action plan.
Immediate Interventions: Culturally Relevant, Client Tailored Trainings
Customer Service Experiences: Virgin Islands Style 
Exploring Your Team’s Strength through a USVI Cultural Lens
The Culture of BEing a Diverse & High Performing Team 
Leadership vs. Management 
Who said work and life can’t be fun?
We love injecting creativity and passion in the work we do. So, if you or your team is feeling stuck or tired of the chaos, let’s partner on one of tiered programs or work together to customize something to your specific needs…with loads of fun infused, of course!
As such, we offer a tiered approach to address the client’s need which aligns with the scope of work:
Explore: Bringing a fresh perspective to your current operations, we take a high-level review of what your business currently has in place. This approach is more preventative in nature in that it assesses the current state (i.e., systems, practices, ways of doing business, etc.) to determine what is working well, where there may be opportunities for improvement, and recommendations to fill the gap.
Excavate: You have an organizational challenge, but you may not know how best to tackle it. More reactive in nature, this approach often requires systematic excavation of current assets and internal practices to determine the contributing factors to the challenges you and your team may be experiencing.
Evolve: Experiencing systematic roadblocks and need a partner to help you activate an effective plan? We partner with our clients by taking a deep dive into the organization’s challenges and instill a level of accountability need to implement innovative ideas that will produce the desired outcomes.




Clarity, Confidence & Calm in the Chaos
"I am passionate about bringing calm to the chaos of work and life. Founded on the values of honesty, leadership, creativity, and social intelligence, I partner with my clients to gain clarity by finding the answers within and gaining the confidence to manifest their dreams."
- Dr. Xaulanda Simmonds-Emmanuel, MBA, PhD
"Like individuals, organizations must also BE authentic, passionate and intentional. When both the organization and the individual align on values and goals thriving becomes the new surviving. Work Life Balance is integral to accomplishing these goals and BEing unapologetically you."
- Xauskya Emmanuel, BS